Hazardous Waste Management
Define a hazardous waste, recognize standards that regulate hazardous waste, and identify requirements of hazardous waste management.
Expected Completion Time: 1 hour
Requirement References:
• Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 40 CFR part 260-265
• 40 CFR 261 Subpart D
• 40 CFR 261 Subpart C
• Identify the purpose of a waste management program.
• Define the categories of waste, including hazardous, universal, “potentially' hazardous, and nonhazardous.
• Identify the purpose for regulating hazardous waste, which regulatory standards apply to hazardous waste management, and the three classifications of waste generators under RCRA.
• Recognize the criteria for determining if “you” generate a hazardous waste.
• Identify the container, labeling, and storage requirements for hazardous waste.
• Identify the requirements for developing and implementing an inspection program for hazardous waste.
• Identify transportation and disposal requirements for hazardous waste.
• Identify the requirements for emergency preparedness and contingency planning.
• Recognize the requirements for training personnel, reporting, and recordkeeping.
• Identify typical hazardous wastes, universal wastes, and potentially hazardous wastes.
• Identify proper management and disposal procedures for typical hazardous, universal, and potentially hazardous wastes.
• Recognize methods for minimizing the generation of hazardous waste and evaluating those methods.